Family Support Services (FSS) assist eligible individuals' support networks in identifying, selecting, obtaining, coordinating, and using paid services and natural supports available to enhance the individual's experience.
FSS Managers have the training to ensure their understanding of the families they work with and the resources to assist in meeting their needs and outcomes.
FSS Counties
Family Support Services include:
Assessment includes an ongoing process of identifying needs and resources available through formal and informal evaluation.
Support planning, including the development or assistance in the development, updating and reviewing, and determining the needs and services for the individual's plan.
Support coordination, including arranging for and securing support and developing and accessing natural supports. Natural supports include pursuing means for gaining access to needed services, entitlements, and modifications of service systems when necessary to increase the accessibility to those systems by the individual and his or her caregiver.
Monitoring and following up on activities necessary to ensure the plan and related supports are effectively implemented and adequately address the needs of the individual.
Assisting with transition and portability, including the planning and arranging services to follow the individual as he or she moves from one service setting to the next.